"Go to war" nghĩa là gì?

Xin cho tôi hai chữ bình yên. Photo by Mihai Surdu

"Go to war" = Dẫn đến chiến tranh -> Sự căng thẳng trong một cuộc xung đột với ai hay việc gì vì vài lý do. Cụm này thường được dùng trong các tình huống ở nơi công cộng.

Ví dụ
"Armies or navies or air forces don't go to war. Nations go to war," Milley said.

He received his orders to go to war in 1966 and was deployed to Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base, from where he flew daily combat missions.

“If it ends up happening and nationalisation takes place, what would we go to war about? When our independence is threatened, that’s when you will see us taking the fight.”

Republicans are going to war with Twitter after the platform froze the Mitch McConnell re-election account this week because the campaign posted a video of threats directed at the Senate majority leader, just as President Trump is planning a separate crackdown (sự trừng trị không nương tay) on left-wing social media bias.

Bin Kuan

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