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1/2 cặp đôi người Anh lây lan 'vi khuẩn ở phân' do dùng chung khăn tắm...

Relationships require commitment, trust, an ability to open up and share both the good and bad.

And according to recent research, many British couples also share bacteria from their poo.

The disgusting finding comes from a recent study by Drench, which revealed that a majority of couples admit to sharing towels with their partner.

...While this might seem harmless, previous research has found that 90% of bathroom towels are contaminated (nhiễm bẩn) with faecal bacteria, while 14% carry E.Coli .

Towels can also harbour various other infectious bacteria, including ringworm ((y học) bệnh ecpet mảng tròn) and staph infections, according to Drench.

Tags: health

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