"Jailhouse lawyer" nghĩa là gì?

Photo courtesy: HiPWallpaper 

"Jailhouse lawyer" = luật sư nhà tù -> người không học luật chính quy nhưng đủ biết để giúp người khác về vấn đề pháp lý.

Ví dụ
Tonight we are going to reintroduce (giới thiệu lại) you to Shon Hopwood, who is arguably (được cho là) the most successful jailhouse lawyer ever-having had one of his cases argued before the U.S. Supreme Court while serving a 12-year sentence for armed (có vũ trang) bank robbery.

Johnston, who said he acted as a sort of jailhouse lawyer to other inmates (tù nhân), said Beltran Leon decided he wanted to plead guilty (nhận tội) after he learned that Serrano might testify (làm chứng) against him at trial. During one conversation, Johnston said Beltran Leon held up his hand and made a “finger-pull motion,” similar to someone pulling the trigger on a gun.

Jailhouse lawyer Arthur Taylor's efforts to formally study law in Dunedin have hit a snag (gặp trở ngại). The University of Otago Law School has suggested he wait until the second semester, or next year, before attending class. In February, Taylor was released from Waikeria Prison on parole, where he had been serving a jail term of 17-and-a-half years.

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