"Know what’s what" nghĩa là gì?

Giờ anh chị muốn tính sao? Em chờ :) Photo by Lukas from Pexels

'Know what’s what' = biết cái gì là cái gì -> biết, nhận thức được những chuyện gì đang xảy ra, sự thật quan trọng trong một vấn đề.

Ví dụ
It was 21 June 1975, and reader, I was there. I was 12, which may be the perfect age to be taken to your first big sporting event: tall enough to see, old enough to know what’s what, young enough to have an autograph book. My brother Charlie, who was 14, had caught the cricket bug and passed it on to me.

A lively exchange of ideas can be hugely enjoyable. At the moment, however, even a simple difference of opinion could lead to misunderstandings (hiểu nhầm), and possibly, hurt feelings. The trick is to, first, to focus on gathering information. Then, once you’ve all the facts, so know what’s what, discuss those issues in detail.

Ruth loves popcorn (bỏng ngô). But she has to work for it, by blowing air with her trunk through a white pipe attached to a barrel above her head to push it out. “Excellent sense of smell, so they know what’s what,” Milwaukee County Zoo director Chuck Wikenhauser said. “Whether it’s popcorn in there, whether it’s some other treat, they enjoy that.”

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