"Rob Peter to pay Paul" nghĩa là gì?

Những quyết định của ông lớn sẽ làm ảnh hưởng nền kinh tế cả thế giới Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

'Rob Peter to pay Paul' = cướp của Peter để trả cho Paul -> mượn/lấy tiền từ ai hay nguồn nào đó để trả cho một khoản khác, 'lấy chỗ này vá vào chỗ kia'. Giải quyết vấn đề bằng cách tạo ra một vấn đề khác.

Ví dụ
So our man in the White House is patting himself on the back because the Supreme Court overturned the ruling by lower courts to allow him to rob Peter to pay Paul. Peter being the Pentagon’s $2.5 billion to pay Paul (the wall).

“At some point, you have to sell, because we need some cash flow (dòng tiền) and when you’re selling at a loss, it’s just an ugly situation to be in,” Ziesch said. “If the price of soybeans is low because of tariffs (thuế quan), there’s not much I can do about it at some point,” Stafslien said. “You have to have cash flow just like any business. You may be selling at a loss just to rob Peter to pay Paul.”

I think the government will rob Peter to pay Paul in order to keep the program going. No lawmaker (người đề ra luật) will propose or vote for a bill that reduces or eliminates (giảm) benefits because it would be political suicide. Not saying that something shouldn’t be done to “fix” the system, but I cannot see lawmakers actually making the tough choices. They will indebt our country even more because their solution to every problem is to throw money at it hoping that will solve the problem.

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