"No names, no pack drill" nghĩa là gì?

Đã tìm được gấu của cuộc đời Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR from Pexels

pack-drill là một hình thức phạt đi bộ vũ trang đeo balo nặng trong quân đội, vậy nên 'No names, no pack drill' = không có tên ai thì không bị phạt -> không nói ra một người cụ thể hay một chi tiết cụ thể thì không có hình phạt hay sự đổ tội nào.

Ví dụ 
Iain asked if he was talking about former Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson, to which the MP for Broadland said: "Well, no names, no pack drill as the army would say."

If I was getting onto an aeroplane (máy bay) say (no names, no pack drill) I would be much happier being suspended (tạm hoãn) in a state of modest uncertainty as to whether I would get to my destination than the certainty that it was going to crash just so I could plan for it. I’m sure you agree: certainty can be overrated (đánh giá cao).

Ciders, wines and spirits (tinh thần) are on the menu now — all chosen with the same care as the ales (cuộc chè chén). Others have borrowed features from the micropub’s close cousin, the bottle shop. Some have quizzes and live music. One (no names, no pack drill) even broke all the rules and put a TV in for the 2018 World Cup. What would the purists (người theo chủ nghĩa thuần túy) say?

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