"Let go and let God" nghĩa là gì?

Nhà thờ Tin Lành hùng vĩ nhất Iceland. Photo by  Ferdinand Stöhr

"Let go and let God" -> Từ bỏ đường lối, ý riêng/dự định cá nhân để phục vụ, rao giảng lời Chúa hoặc hầu việc trong nhà thờ.

Ví dụ
There was a surprise visit by P.J. Morton of the band Maroon 5, who sang "Let go and let God. We don't understand it but just let go and let God.

Sometimes you have to just let go and let God, the universe (vũ trụ) or even someone you trust lead the way. Maybe even let go and take a trip (like one of my recent visits to a local winery (xưởng rượu nho), Raffaldini Winery in Ronda, NC posted above).

My personal adventures in mansplaining this week were a result of my last column, when I begged folks (nhóm người. mọi người) to not give presidential candidate (ứng cử viên tổng thống) Marianne Williamson the time of day. When I finish my columns and hit the button to send it to my editor, I have to just let go and let God. Maybe I’ll get hate mail, maybe not! When you talk about hotbutton issues like abortion (nạn phá thai), racism (chủ nghĩa phân biệt chủng tộc) and misogyny (tính ghét kết hôn, chứng sợ phụ nữ), this is a reality. But this was the first time I had a handful of men request that the Current make corrections to my opinion piece, and scolded (trách mắng) me for my tone. I guess I underestimated the Marianne stans! Here are some snippets (mảnh vụn cắt ra) from a couple emails below.

Bin Kuan

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