"Like attracts like" nghĩa là gì?

Cưng gãi đầu hộ anh cái. Photo by Genevieve Perron-Migneron

"Like attracts like" -> Đây là một quy luật hấp dẫn, bạn thích những gì thì nó cũng thích lại bạn.

Ví dụ
Fionn's inspiration came during a leisurely walk along one of his hometown beaches. There he noticed a rock covered in oil, he then noticed small pieces of plastic, no longer than 5mm, attached to the stone. This got him thinking, he said. "In chemistry, like attracts like."

"In regards to the influencers; like attracts like, and from working in the hospitality industry I have witnessed influencers that fly in just for the weekend, demand everything for free, just to post 'living the dream'. Most of the influencers are here for a good time, not a long time".

"Your zodiac (cung hoàng đạo) sign plays into your preferences," Kansas City astrologer Cindy McKean tells Bustle. "Earth signs prefer practicality. Fire signs like passion. Air signs love communication. Water signs prefer closer connections. Sometimes like attracts like, other times opposites attract." The traits that you find so heavily connected to your astrological (thuật chiêm tinh) sign can dictate the values that are most important to you, and can help you navigate what you find most important in a relationship. They can also indicate which things you might have hard-and-fast rules about when it comes to what you want in a partner. Either way, your zodiac sign can help you determine which values you hold nearest and dearest to your heart — and shouldn't settle for for anyone, especially a partner.

Bin Kuan

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