"Mad as a snake" nghĩa là gì?

Chị mày đang ngủ, đừng có đụng vào! Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič - @specialdaddy on Unsplash

"Mad as a snake" (cuồng điên như một con rắn) là thành ngữ ám chỉ tâm trạng cáu kỉnh, cuồng nộ, cực kỳ giận dữ đến mức không thể dịu xuống.

Ví dụ
Talking the Ryan, he discussed working with the films director Jim Sheridan saying, '[he] is mad as a snake but I absolutely loved working with him!'

The South Africa-born actress and director, ex-wife of former Royal Shakespeare Company director Sir Trevor Nunn, told a Sunday newspaper that she got “mad as a snake” about what she sees as the myths (thần thoại) surrounding Britain’s greatest playwright (kịch gia).

"It's one thing to have someone stuck in a mental hospital (bệnh viện tâm thần) for 20 years; it's quite another to throw them out of hospital after four to 10 days when they're as mad as a snake. Most people need to be in for a few weeks and those who are substance abusers (làm dụng chất gây nghiện) need admission for at least six weeks and very careful supervision..."

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Bài trước: "Judge a book by its cover" nghĩa là gì?
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