"On all fours" nghĩa là gì?

Tay chân rã rời. Photo by  Imani Clovis

"On all fours" = Bò cả bằng tay và đầu gối.

Ví dụ
Earlier it had been revealed Michael was on all fours as he cried in his New York hotel room after Kylie travelled to see him.

Having miraculously (một cách kì diệu) survived a fall from a 550ft cliff (vách đá) in the United Kingdom by eating seaweed for 45 days, a dog is back on all fours much to the delight of its owners. Shadow, a 20-month-old Shar Pei, was on holiday with his owners Amber and Wayne Whiting when he bolted (cài chốt) over the cliff near Falcon Hill Beacon in Dorset, England, on May 9.

Believe it or not, there was a time when our politics didn't splinter (tạo thành một nhóm tách biệt) us into humorless cliques (bè lũ), as jokes about "us versus them" weren't an affront (sự lăng mạ) to the human ego. Writers like the political firebrand (kẻ xúi giục báo động) Molly Ivins could call a state representative someone who "runs on all fours and has the brains of an adolescent (trẻ, đang tuổi thanh niên) piss ant" and the next time the representative saw her, "that sumbitch would spread out his arms and say: Baby, you put my name in your paper," she said in a C-SPAN interview in 1997.

Bin Kuan

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