"Pace back and forth" nghĩa là gì?

Chủ nhật không có gì chơi, đi tới đi lui cho hết một ngày. Photo by Alex Ronsdorf on Unsplash

"Pace back and forth" hoặc "pace up and down" có nghĩa đi đi lại lại, bồn chồn, luẩn quẩn tại một chỗ vì sợ hoặc lo lắng/ căng thẳng. 

Ví dụ 
“The victim (nạn nhân) stated that (Blake) had a drug problem and was on something (gặp vấn đề). The victim stopped talking and started to pace back and forth,” the complaint states (lời khiếu nại). 

Take lots of pictures, help them get their stuff in the classroom. But once that is complete, you have to let them go. Don't pace back and forth outside the door or watch through the window.

Carmen Iris Santiago’s estranged (bị ghẻ lạnh) husband had begun showing up (xuất hiện) recently outside the beauty salon in Queens where she worked. He would usually pace back and forth in front of the store, unnerving (quấy nhiễu) employees and customers. 

Thu Phương 

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