"Play both ends" nghĩa là gì?

Tránh ra đi...không là bay mất đầu. Photo by Josh Rocklage

"Play both ends against the middle" = Dùng hai bên đầu để chống bên giữa -> Làm cho hai phe đối nghịch chống lại nhau để giành lợi cho mình.

Ví dụ
A driven man who in all his business dealings—especially those between Russian and Western parties—played both ends against the middle.

Calling myself a reformed marketer gives me the illusory (viễn vông) comfort of still hanging on to something important to me, but holding it at arm’s length, like a disease I’ve recovered from. I’m trying to play both ends against the middle.

Accordionist Joey, the CowPolka King, “plays both ends against the middle,” as they say, on his “stomach Steinway.” The master musician, who apprenticed (cho học việc, học nghề) with the late polka king Frank Yankovic and has recorded with everyone from Roy Rogers to U2, is also the Riders’ album producer and a licensed driver (bằng lái xe).

Bin Kuan

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