"Seamy side of life" nghĩa là gì?

Phố lên đèn, em lên đồ đi quẩy Photo by Maurício Mascaro from Pexels

'Seamy side of life' = mặt trái của cuộc đời -> những khía cạnh không dễ chịu, xấu xí, cực nhọc của cuộc sống; một khía cạnh khác chưa được tiết lộ

Ví dụ
A seamy side of life on the North Olympic Peninsula that many never see was revealed in the allegations of a 39-page probable cause statement released Friday.

"It's sad to hear people say I capture the seamy side of life," he says. "I don't see anything horrible (kinh khủng) in these pictures of mine. They are not just 'social photography,' as many people see them, they are my personal encounters and scenes."

The Rev. Vincent King, who by virtue (đức hạnh, đức tính tốt) of his ministerial and social activities is in a position to speak of the seamy side of life in Dunedin, gave an Otago Daily Times reporter yesterday some particulars of the many forms of evil which come under his notice.

There’s a scene at the end of “Jackie Brown” when Jackie, played by the incomparable (không thể sánh được, có một không hai) Pam Grier, makes an offer to bail bondsman Max Cherry to fly with her to Spain and start a new life. Max, played to world-weary perfection by Robert Forster, seriously considers it. He wants to. He has fallen for her. But he can’t. He’s a Los Angeles guy, drawn to the seamy side of life. He stays.

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