"Second nature" nghĩa là gì?

Thần gió là đây mà. Photo by SwapnIl Dwivedi

"Second nature" = Bản năng thứ hai -> chỉ thói quen/hành vi/tính cách thực hiện trong một khoảng thời gian dài hoặc thường xuyên và được coi như là yếu tố bẩm sinh hoặc bản năng.

Ví dụ
"Losing's become second nature to us at the moment because we get in front and we put the brakes (sự kìm hãm) on because we don't really know how to put a game away.

And let’s not forget about live-streaming apps. Facebook Live, Periscope, TikTok — the list is extensive (rộng rãi). These put the power of live video into the pockets of the masses (quần chúng nhân dân), meaning that both consuming and creating this content has become second nature.

“What drove our interest was the increasing prevalence (sự thịnh hành) of subscriptions (sự đóng góp) in other industries,” says Tobin McDaniel, Schwab’s senior VP of digital advice and innovation. “People like the simpler approach, and feel it’s the right way to pay for services. It’s second nature to them.”

Bin Kuan

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