"Shake the dust from my feet" nghĩa là gì?

Cát bụi đường xa Photo by Jake Young from Pexels

'Shake the dust from one's feet' = giũ bụi ra khỏi chân của ai -> từ bỏ, rời khỏi ai/cái gì/nơi nào đó; rời đi mãi mãi

Ví dụ 
Matthew 10:14-15 says if a city doesn’t welcome Jesus’ Disciples (môn đệ), they are to shake the dust from their feet and move on to the next city. It had absolutely nothing to do with rejecting homosexuals.”

“I shake the dust from my feet and leave the west, considering its vulgarising (thông tục, bình thường) significance trivial (không đáng kể, tầm thường) and insignificant. My path is towards the source of all art, the east. The west has taught me one thing: everything it has is from the east!”

Like Amos, Ted did not plan to become a prophet (nhà tieentri) at Redfern. But he found no need to shake the dust from his feet once he arrived there. He proclaimed and lived the radical edge, or was it the radical core, of the gospel (cẩm nang, nguyên tắc) — making it more ordinary, more demanded and more expected of each of us.

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