"Strapped for cash" nghĩa là gì?

Đếm lại cho chắc Photo by Nishant Aneja from Pexels

'Strapped for cash' có từ strapped là kẹt, không đủ cái gì -> kẹt tiền, không đủ tiền đặc biệt là trong thời gian tạm thời

Ví dụ 
Forever 21, purveyor (công ty cung cấp hàng hóa) of kitschy (hào nhoáng) fast-fashion is strapped for cash and considering bankruptcy (phá sản), Bloomberg reports.

Local authorities do keep records of how many children are home schooled, but nothing on what the reasons are – and with councils already strapped for cash, most struggle to provide appropriate support generally without knowing how many young people they need to accommodate (chỗ ở).

They soon moved their conversations to the messaging platform (nền tảng) Line and about a week later, the woman, who called herself Qiao Er, told Mr Wong that she was strapped for cash."She said she had to pay her school fees and had not enough money," recounted Mr Wong, who has just completed his national service and is waiting to start university.

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