"Straws in your hair" nghĩa là gì?

Nàng khờ nơi xóm nhỏ. Photo by  Priscilla Du Preez

"Straws in (one's) hair" = Những cọng rơm trên mái tóc -> Trạng thái điên dại, rối loạn tâm trí. Cụm này cũng ám chỉ những bệnh nhân trong viện tâm thần.

Ví dụ
He said: “We will be taking dangerous people and those who have straws in their hair off of the streets so we won't have to worry so much about them."

she said. “Although it would be absurd (ngu xuẩn) and highly unethical (trái với luân thường đạo lý), doing so would be more effective than keeping a list of persons with straws in their hair.

Cathy Woods, 68, will continue to seek additional damages (thiệt hại) from the city of Reno and former detectives (cựu thám tử) she accuses of coercing (ép buộc) a fabricated confession (lời khai, thú nhận bịa đặt) from her while she had straws in her hair at a Louisiana mental hospital in 1979, according to her lawyer, Elizabeth Wang.

Bin Kuan

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