"Throw up your hands in frustration" nghĩa là gì?

Người bất lực. Photo courtesy Mike Depp 

"Throw up your hands in frustration" có từ "frustration" nghĩa là nỗi thất vọng. Cụm từ này có nghĩa là từ bỏ, chịu thua, bày tỏ sự tuyệt vọng hoàn toàn. 

Ví dụ 
Sophie was perhaps the keenest champion (nhà vô địch cuồng nhiệt nhất) of a Camila/Shawn make out, grabbing Joe and Nick's arms with feverish anticipation (sốt sắng chờ đợi) before throwing her hands in the air in frustration. 

Can Jagmeet Singh cause progressives (đảng viên Đảng cấp tiến) to split with their white knight, by either getting them to return their support to the party of Jack Layton or at least having them throw up their hands and stay home in frustration? 

The fans on hand for Gauff’s debut (ra mắt) were raucous throughout (cuồng nhiệt), even as the 18-year-old Russian started the match drilling winners off both sides and had Gauff throwing her hands up in frustration. The first set was over in 38 minutes. 

Thu Phương 

Bài trước: "Throw salt on your game" nghĩa là gì? 
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