"With age comes wisdom" nghĩa là gì?

Tuổi tác chỉ khiến ta thông thái hơn. Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst 

"With age comes wisdom" = càng lớn tuổi, càng hiểu biết nhiều -> tương tự câu "gừng càng già càng cay". 

Ví dụ 
Another example of elderly wildlife gaining wisdom with age is female elk (nai sừng tấm), who develop behaviors to evade (né tránh) hunting as they get older. 

Also along with age comes wisdom — hopefully. It’s a relatively universal human trait (đặc điểm tương đối phổ biến) that as small children, we assume our parents know everything. 

Everyone has a story to tell, whether from childhood or adolescence, or from a more recent stage of life. With age comes great insight (sáng suốt) and wisdom, and what better way to share what you have learned in your life journey (hành trình cuộc sống), than to put it in writing. 

Thu Phương 

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