"You can’t dance at two weddings" nghĩa là gì?

Một người khó có thể làm nhiều việc một lúc, đó là lí do chúng ta cần bạn bè, đồng nghiệp... Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

"You can’t dance at two weddings (at the same time)" = bạn không thể nhảy tại 2 đám cưới một lúc -> không thể làm 2 việc cùng một lúc. 

Ví dụ 
I never quite knew (hoàn toàn biết) what Paul Wkllstonis meant when he said that you can't dance at two weddings at the same time. 

He would say, “You can't dance at two weddings at the same time.” Senator Don Nickles is on the floor, and he remembers this and has indicated (bày tỏ) so by a smile. 

Because if you think you can get around it by buying from each, they quickly disabuse (tỉnh ngộ) you of the notion (quan niệm). “Look here, mister,” they tell you, “you either buy from one or the other. You can't dance at two weddings at once!” 

One of the problems of a solo entrepreneur (một mình khởi nghiệp), is having a limited skill set. You want to do everything and soon find you cannot. There is an old Eastern European expression that a good friend reminded me of, “With one tuchus, you can’t dance at two weddings.” 

Thu Phương 

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