"A man of God" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Ben White

"A man of God" = người nam của Chúa -> nghĩa là người rất sốt sắng và mạnh mẽ trong đức tin ở nơi Chúa, như mục sư, giáo sĩ.

Ví dụ
He said he wanted to believe that Serna could help him because he was a man of God. “He had such devoted followers,” he said. “And all the people assured me he could help.”

Meet Pastor Larry Cecil who credits (tín nhiệm) being a man of God with getting him through some of his toughest battles—all whilst still delivering a message (truyền giảng thông điệp, lời Chúa) every Sunday.

The family of Bosasa CEO Gavin Watson described him as a man of God who's only fault was "trusting other people too much". Speaking at his memorial, his housekeeper said she hoped his children would still be as good to her as their father was.

Bin Kuan

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