"A man of my kidney" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Karim MANJRA

"A man of my kidney" = Người đàn ông có tính khí/quả thận của tôi -> Người có tính khí giống/tương tự tôi.

Ví dụ
The only mention of kidneys in Shakespeare is in The Merry Wives Of Windsor when Falstaff refers to someone as “a man of my kidney”.

As noted, our ancestors (tổ tiên) must have known very little about kidneys. Nowhere do we find a link from kidney to urine (nước tiểu). Yet in the 16th century, about two hundred years after the emergence of kidney as an anatomical (khoa giải phẫu) term, it acquired the sense “nature, temperament” (tính khí); hence the idiom a man of my kidney.

The closest the kidneys get is to be used as a synonym (đồng nghĩa) for disposition (tính tình) or temperament. As Falstaff puts it in “The Merry Wives of Windsor,” “a man of my kidney.” Or as T.S. Eliot’s speaker laments (than khóc) the loss of their youth in “A Cooking Egg,” saying they will meet “heroes of that kidney” in the afterlife, describing poet and scholar Sir Philip Sidney and Roman general Coriolanus.

Bin Kuan

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