"Crack the door" nghĩa là gì?

Anh hỏi ai dợ? Photo by Wojciech Kumpicki from Pexels

'Crack the door (open)' -> nghĩa là mở hé cửa.

Ví dụ
“It’s a career-high payday for them, but we’re only beginning to crack the door open,” he continued. “I want to thank DAZN and Eddie for helping to crack the door open, but it’s time to knock the f—ing door down!”.

When a Kansas City radio host asked in a July 17 interview if anything could sway (gây ảnh hưởng) the secretary to run for Senate, Mr. Pompeo seemed to crack the door open, saying he would “always leave open the possibility that something will change and my path in life will change too.”

Given the league’s history with marijuana policy, advocates (những người tán thành, ủng hộ) have reason to be skeptical (nghi ngờ). But Turley senses momentum building. “They only needed to crack the door open on this,” he said. “I think massive things are going to come.”

Your first urge when you see doors in Modern Warfare, your first impulse (thôi thúc), is to just charge through them. At the beginning of the match, that’s what most people will do. But some people like to shut the doors and set up traps (bẫy) for people; but there’s a great counter for that. When you approach a door while aiming down sights, you can tap a button to crack the door just enough to glance inside or even toss a grenade. Very useful.

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