"Every man jack of us" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Jezael Melgoza

"Every man jack of (us/them)" = Chỉ tất cả mọi người trong chúng ta/họ.

Ví dụ
The National Obesity Forum (diễn đàn béo phì quốc gia) wants every man jack of us weighed formally and regularly and our poundage (trọng lượng cân Anh) entered on some kind of official computer.

“I feel so proud that I am the chairman that has taken Aldershot back into the Football League,” he said afterwards. “But it’s been every man jack of us – all those lads (chàng trai) who are here today and all those who have left us along the way.”

The unpalatable (không thể chấp nhận được) truth is that her passport has been confiscated (tịch thu) by the authorities. She will haunt (thường lảng vảng) London until she has spooked (làm kinh hãi) every man jack of us to Kent.

Bin Kuan

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