"Feather your nest" nghĩa là gì?

Sắp giàu to rồi :D. Photo courtesy OTA Photos 

"Feather one's nest" = kết lông thành tổ -> thu vén cho bản thân, làm giàu. 

Ví dụ 
He can’t see a way to feather his nest so he is willing to walk away (mong muốn rời đi) and forget it ever happened. 

Depending on which pass you purchase (loại vé bạn mua), you can save up to a whopping $1,300. Feather your nest with early-bird (vé đặt sớm) savings — buy your pass today. 

Venus (sao Kim), the planet who is most concerned with outward appearances (vẻ bề ngoài) and beauty, is in your Solar Home Zone (Khu vực Nhà Mặt trời) for a little while longer only – use her passage through this part of your chart to feather your nest and make it as comfy as possible (thoải mái nhất có thể). 

Thu Phương 

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