"Feel like a new man" nghĩa là gì?

Suối mát quá! Photo by Tadeusz Lakota

"Feel like a new man" = Cảm thấy như một con người mới, làm mới lại tinh thần và lấy lại sức sống sau khi trải qua khoảng thời gian mệt nhoài và suy yếu.

Ví dụ
He said: “I feel like a new man since losing weight – in fact, I look so different that people who I haven’t seen for a while often can’t believe I’m the same person.

Every so often, a game comes into my life that makes me feel strange. I think this feeling might be ... love. Total War: Three Kingdoms is one of those games. It manages to make me feel like a new man, specifically, a powerful Chinese warlord (tư lệnh) circa 200 AD (vào khoảng năm 200 sau công nguyên).

“I really feel like a new man now. I am happy to hurt. I’m training, doing cardio, and it feels good to get back to some normality (trạng thái bình thường). I think for a little bit, I took things for granted (xem mọi điều là hiển nhiên). Now I know how important it is I make the most of this opportunity. Going through cancer and chemo has been a great sort of awakening for what I really want and my rugby (môn bóng bầu dục) goals, my life goals. I sort of narrowed down what’s important to me,” he said.

Bin Kuan

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