"Float an idea" nghĩa là gì?

Một vote cho sự sáng tạo Photo by malcolm garret from Pexels

'Float an idea' = (làm) một ý tưởng nổi lên -> nghĩa là gợi ý điều gì đó để phán đoán sự quan tâm hoặc nhận thức của mọi người với nó, giống một kiểu 'mớm lời' ấy nhỉ các bạn.

Ví dụ
Many of these corporations do give equally to both Democrats and Republicans, and as such, you’d expect them to give money to a few Republicans. But they can avoid giving money to the most bigoted (tin mù quáng) and anti-gay voices in the Republican party. And if they do, let’s float an idea — maybe those companies shouldn’t get a Pride float.

Public companies in the United States face unique demands. Under rules developed by the federal Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), any of such a company’s shareholders (cổ đông) can float an idea for all shareholders to consider by placing a “proposal” on the corporate proxy statement, a government-mandated document that makes required disclosures and lays out items to be considered at the company’s annual meeting (đại hội thường niên).

I always thought speed was a modern, universal truth until I read about the Open Decision Framework, which Jim Whitehurst described in The Open Organization. With this approach, you want to float an idea early with stakeholders but delay the decision process as long as possible. By giving everyone the opportunity to get a say in a major decision, team members not only feel that they’ve been heard, but they also have a greater sense of ownership of the success of the solution, and you end up with an overall better solution than top-down decision making.

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