"Fuller Brush man" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by  Zoe Chen

"Fuller Brush man" = nhân viên công ty fuller brush (công ty thành lập năm 1906 bởi Alfred Fuller, bán đồ vệ sinh cá nhân, áp dụng kỹ thuật door-to-door sale) -> người đàn ông bán hàng đi từng nhà.

Ví dụ
Although the 74-year-old Mount Vernon resident isn’t intimidating (đáng kinh hãi) – or extinct (tuyệt chủng) – he is a rare species (loài hiếm). Timms is a Fuller Brush Man.

Decades ago a Fuller Brush man was a well-known face in neighborhoods. The company started selling cleaning supplies more than 100 years ago. However, the profession (nghề nghiệp) of door-to-door selling has changed. It's gone from thousands of salesmen across the country to Fuller is one of the few companies left.

It's a lonely walk down the path and up the stairs, but Al Cohen is used to it. He rings the doorbell. A man in plaid (kẻ sọc ô vuông) shorts and Crocs opens the door, tentatively (ngập ngừng, thăm dò). "Fuller Brush Man!" Cohen announces. The man looks bemused (sửng sốt, kinh ngạc). Or is it amused? "The last Fuller Brush man?" he asks.

Bin Kuan

Bài trước: "Yes-man" nghĩa là gì?
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