"Grind your teeth" nghĩa là gì?

Đi chơi về muộn không được vào nhà sao? Photo by Wesley Carvalho from Pexels

'Grind one's teeth' = nghiến răng (vì giận) -> nghĩa là kìm nén cơn giận, không thể hiện ra ngoài.

Ví dụ
When you’re stressed, the last thing you want to worry about is your teeth. For some, stress can lead skipping out on brushing or flossing altogether, while others develop habits of teeth-grinding.

If you’re like 20% of the population, you grind your teeth at night. Whether unknowingly or purposefully, a lot more people do it during the day if they’re stressed. Help control a bad habit and save your teeth by wearing a night guard while you sleep.

If you wake up with jaw (quai hàm) pain or a toothache, and there's no other possible cause for it, consider anxiety (lo lắng). "Anxiety may cause you to clench and grind your teeth, both while you are awake or asleep," licensed psychotherapist Christine Scott-Hudson, MA LMFT ATR, tells Bustle. And you might even be doing it without realizing.

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