"Keep in touch" nghĩa là gì?

Ngày buồn tháng nhớ năm thương. Photo courtesy: Hal

"Keep in touch" -> nghĩa là tiếp tục giữ liên lạc.

Ví dụ
I have kept in touch with him for five years.

Luann shared that the ladies don’t always keep in touch when not filming. She explained, “You know, we film a long season and then when we have our time off, we’re all doing our thing. I’m busy with my cabaret show (chương trình tạp kỹ), she’s [Bethenny] busy with her things, doing great things with helping out in relief efforts.”

Carol held several secretarial positions (vị trí thư ký), but her tenure (nhiệm kỳ) as counseling secretary at Seaside High School was her favorite, by far. She enjoyed interacting with the students and was known as “C.B.” and “Mom” to many. She made lifelong friends while working there, and kept in touch with them after her retirement (nghỉ hưu) in 1988.

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