"Land so poor you couldn't raise a fuss on it" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Gozha Net on Unsplash 

"Land so poor you couldn't raise a fuss on it" = đất quá xấu, thiếu chất, không thể trồng trọt hay canh tác. 

Ví dụ 
"We bought 114 acres (mẫu đất) that was so poor you couldn't raise a fuss on it," Mr. Looney said. 

The first is from my dear uncle Dennis whose family lost their two-mule (con la) farm outside of Cypress (Florida) in the Depression (Suy thoái) and were forced to a poorer farm. (“Land so poor you couldn't raise a fuss on it,” he later complained.) 

There was simply no reader, no ground-swell of interest (không quan tâm sâu sắc) for statistics like post-war infant mortality rates (tỉ lệ tử vong trẻ sơ sinh), no redeeming grace (không chiếu cố) in an illiterate (mù chữ) father, no tantalizing (trêu ngươi) near-victory in land so poor, the old folks say, you couldn't raise a fuss on it. 

Thu Phương 

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