"Live off the fat of the land" nghĩa là gì?

Hãy hưởng thụ theo cách của bạn. Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

"Live off the fat of the land" nghĩa là ngồi mát ăn bát vàng, sống sung túc và thoải mái mà không cần làm gì cả. 

Ví dụ 
A few of us live off the fat of the land. But most of us have resettled (tái định cư) well and doing our bit for the country. 

The novel describes (tiểu thuyết mô tả) the Californian agricultural belt (vành đai nông nghiệp) in the 1930s. Within the book, the pair share a dream of a little place of their own, where Lenny can tend (chăm sóc) to their rabbits and where they can live off the fat of the land. 

He could have stayed with the popular White Zombie, which had a couple of hard rock hits, including “More Human Than Human” and “Thunder Kiss ’65.” He could have lived off the fat of the land with the visually arresting (phần nhìn hấp dẫn) and sonically appealing (âm nhạc lôi cuốn) metal band, which sold millions of albums. But White Zombie disbanded (tan rã) in 1998. 

Thu Phương 

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