"Moon around" nghĩa là gì?

Làm gì để giết thời gian đây? Photo by  Wil Stewart

"Moon around" nghĩa là đi lang thang, vơ vẩn; có vẻ mặt thẫn thờ như ở cung trăng.

Ví dụ
You can drink your Lambrusco inside Sauvage, or mooning around the courtyards (sân nhỏ, sân trong) of The Churchill.

One day upon waking I could reach for a book to read, while another morning I may be mooning around, reflecting and dreaming.

In this landscape, mooning around over a guy who isn't worth an hour of your thoughts, let alone three sleepless nights, is simply not OK.

You can't even take a good one minute long exposure (sự lộ sáng, sự phơi bày, phơi mình ra) with the moon around because it will literally have moved enough to destroy the shot.

Bin Kuan

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