"Night on the town" nghĩa là gì?

Bóng ai bên dòng sông đêm giao thừa? Photo by Matt Popovich

"Night on the town" = Đêm thành thị -> Đêm ăn mừng/liên hoan trên phố.

Ví dụ
We've all been there — either under age but still wanting a fun night on the town or at a point in your life where you just don't drink.

Sweeping (cuốn) her dark hair tightly back into a bun (búi tóc nhỏ), she accentuated (làm nổi bật) her unmistakable features with heavy makeup (trang điểm đậm) for her night on the town.

I headed to the Shibuya location the other night on a whim (ý chợt nảy ra) while having a night on the town and the promise of 200 yen (US$1.88) drinks was too much. To my surprise, I walked straight into the anime film! While the layout of the bar is different, the style was exactly the same. I had no idea the bar was even real, or that they had a location in Tokyo. They even had an electronic English menu and English speaking staff – so any anime fans in Tokyo will have no problem finding the bar.

Bin Kuan

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