"One side of the picture" nghĩa là gì?

Lương càng cao trách nhiệm càng lớn Photo by Ruslan Burlaka 

'One side of the picture' = một phía của bức tranh -> nghĩa là một quan điểm, khía cạnh của một vấn đề, tình huống cụ thể; nhìn nhận vấn đề một chiều.

Ví dụ
Departments and economic advisors (cố vấn) and experts (chuyên gia) often give one side of the picture, and the solution that they are convinced of, and these represent various viewpoints and stakeholders.

No one can say that the departments assigned with the task of maintaining and upgrading our roads, and those who take care of the traffic are doing nothing. The people responsible, particularly the filed staff, are doing their bit (làm tròn bổn phận của họ). Their work must be acknowledged. But this is only one side of the picture. What we miss is a long term planning, and a matching action on the ground.

While it is important to share inspiring stories of women, said Peace, it is just as important for these stories to reflect (phản ánh) the hard work it takes for women to succeed. “Part of this is to highlight that even inspiring stories do not paint a rosy picture,” she said. “They show the struggle and perseverance and success – telling stories that only show one side of the picture can be just as dangerous.”

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