"Since the year dot" nghĩa là gì?

Hội những ông bạn ế lâu ngày không gặp. Photo by  Afif Kusuma

"Since the year dot" = Từ khi đánh dấu chấm cho năm -> Đã từ rất lâu về trước.

Ví dụ
'The family have lived in Radyr since the year dot although Sir Lincoln passed away (đã qua đời) many years ago now.

The acting prime minister made the comments to ABC AM on Thursday, arguing that the current dry spell is “unprecedented” (chưa từng xảy ra) in its proportions but claiming the pattern of drought and flood has characterised Australia’s climate “since the year dot”.

All CPUs since the year dot have a very fast counter. On my 3.5 GHZ PC, it counts up from 0 to 3500,000,000 every second. So to time a procedure (chuỗi hành động), you read the timer, and store the 64-bit value in an array (một dãy). When you stop the timer, you read the counter and store the difference between the two values.

Bin Kuan

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