"The vale of years" nghĩa là gì?

Ánh mắt ấy...Photo by  Cristian Newman

"The vale of years" = Những năm từ biệt -> Những năm cuối hoặc sự tột dốc trong cuộc đời hoặc sự nghiệp của ai.

Ví dụ
James is declining (xuống dốc, giảm xuống) into the vale of years and his middle-aged (tuổi trung niên) offspring (con đẻ) find him a carer, Mandy, to take him off their hands.

"The supernatural (siêu nhiên) voices which he hears have told him that, 'as he was advanced into the vale of years, it was time to lay aside everything calculated to excite ideas of war; and that there were several things in his house which, to this end, he must destroy,'" a white minister with whom Cornplanter was close wrote in 1827.

Like many former champions who have fallen into the vale of years, “The Cat”, 34-6 (25), hungers for those heady (nỏng nảy) days of give-and-take, the fans cheering him on to improbable (không thực, không chắc sẽ xảy ra) victories and the glory of title wins, but it can never be. His licence is gone, so is his prime (thời huy hoàng, hoàng kim), the fans all moved on to the next generation and the mere mention (chỉ là một sự đề cập, sự đề cập đơn thuần) of a comeback for their former favourite is greeted with a shudder (sự rùng mình).

Bin Kuan

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