Thật man rợ

Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ nhấn chìm thành phố 12.000 năm tuổi để làm đập thủy điện...

The ancient settlement (khu định cư cổ xưa) of Hasankeyf will soon be submerged (dìm, nhận chìm) as part of a controversial (gây tranh cãi) dam (đập thủy điện) project – despite residents’ protests (biểu tình phản đối)

After the half-hour drive from Batman in south-east Turkey, the ancient city of Hasankeyf, which sits on the banks of the Tigris River, appears as an oasis.

Hasankeyf is thought to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited settlements on Earth, dating as far back as 12,000 years and containing thousands of caves (hang động), churches (nhà thờ) and tombs (lăng mộ).

But this jewel (viên kim cương) of human history (lịch sử loài người) will soon be lost; most of the settlement is about to be flooded as part of the highly controversial Ilisu dam project.

Photo courtesy luca oliviero

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