"Warm as toast" nghĩa là gì?

Hạnh phúc giản đơn. Photo by Krists Šidlovskis on Unsplash 

"Warm as toast = ấm như bánh mì nướng -> thoải mái và ấp áp (đặc biệt là khi thời tiết bên ngoài rất lạnh) 

Ví dụ 
I noticed that the Canadian horses seemed unfazed (không bị ảnh hưởng) by the cold, nasty weather because they were warm as toast even if they were covered in ice. 

Sara hadn't changed the thermostats (bộ ổn nhiệt) on the radiators (bộ tản nhiệt) yet, and Gran's flat was probably as warm as toast, while up here the heating was turned down low. 

People would complain (than vãn) about their cold feet, you know, at the bus stop or somewhere, and I'd laugh quietly because mine were always warm as toast. 

There was a fire burning in the grate (lò sưởi)– Lucy had insisted on it despite Papa's weak protestations (sự phản đối) that he was as warm as toast and she was to stop fussing (om sòm, rối rít)– but it did little to warm the bare, chilly room. 

Thu Phương 

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