Ồ 'General Services' nghĩa là vậy?

cựu quan chức tổng cục quản lý mua sắm mỹ (General Services Administration - GSA) thú nhận làm tình với nhân viên Nhà Trắng trên nóc trụ sở...
Brennan Hart, a former associate administrator and acting chief of staff (quyền chánh văn phòng) at the GSA, admitted to GSA Inspector General investigators that in the summer of 2017, he had sexual relations with an official from the White House on the roof of the building.

Hart said he made the unidentified (không xác định danh tính) White House staffer and himself drinks with vodka he kept in his office and they had sexual activity that began in administrative suite area and ended with oral sex (làm tình bằng miệng, "thổi kèn") on the rooftop of the building. The name of the White House staffer was redacted in the report released by the GSA. Hart also acknowledged drinking alcohol in the building, but only after business hours...

Tags: sex


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