"Act of God" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels 

"Act of God" = hành động của Chúa -> ý nói đến thàm họa thiên nhiên, thiên tai, hoặc các vụ việc quy mô lớn ngoài tầm kiểm soát của con người; sự kiện bất khả kháng. 

Ví dụ 
Church bosses have praised the Barrow Island community after 'an act of God' shattered (làm vỡ) a window during a freak storm. 

Muy Grande has come a long way from its humble beginnings (khởi đầu khiêm tốn) as a gas station to now become a hunter's ultimate paradise. They said community support and a firm hold on their faith has made all the difference. "That's what's helped us more than anything, was just an act of God," Garza said. 

The “unfortunate truth” is that “in much of the maritime world the law protects (luật bảo bệ) a ship’s cargo (hàng hóa) better than its crew”, he writes, tracing this all-embracing callousness (sự nhẫn tâm) back to English common law, rooted in (bắt nguồn từ) an era of tall masted (nhiều cột buồm) sailing ships when death at sea was viewed an act of God. 

Thu Phương

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