"As white as snow" nghĩa là gì?

Cáo bạch đơn đuôi. Photo by Jonatan Pie

"As white as snow" = Trắng như tuyết -> Trắng vô cùng/trắng bạch luôn, ví dụ nước da trắng như tuyết.

Ví dụ
“I'm grateful that my wife safely delivered (sinh, đẻ con) a healthy baby girl, at 2.7 kilogrammes, whose skin is as white as snow and looks exactly like me.”.

In the middle of the gym sits a lonely table with a man and a woman chatting casually. Interestingly, they both have hair as white as snow and a surprisingly youthful glow (sặc sỡ) is radiating (chiếu ra, bức xạ) off of them. As I walk closer to their table I see that the man wears a name tag (bảng tên) that reads Coach Nicholas and the woman has one that says Coach Carol.

Being inquisitive (tò mò, dò hỏi, tọc mạch) I went to see what was going on and was shocked to see Robertson sitting at the wheel of the black car belonging to the old people. Blood was running down his face (máu chảy xuống mặt) and into his eyes, and before I could get nearer to him he was escorted (hộ tống, đưa vào) into the hospital while the old lady sat in the office with a complexion (nước da) as white as snow as she talked to a doctor.

Bin Kuan

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