Thêm niềm vui trong bữa ăn gia đình

đi ăn với bố mẹ (đã về hưu) vào cuối tuần, đừng nghĩ đến việc trả tiền hết (tất cả các lần), đây là dịp (như) 'trao quà' (đi lại),

nếu muốn, có thể thanh toán các hóa đơn khác (của bố mẹ) hoặc quà tặng cuối năm
Dear Dan,

My retired (nghỉ hưu) parents and I usually go out for lunch every other Sunday. We have been taking turns (lần lượt) paying the check, but I know that I make more money (kiếm nhiều tiền hơn) than they do. Should I start paying for all the meals or at least cover the tip when they are paying?


Since you’ve established a custom (tục lệ) of taking turns paying for meals, I think you should continue on that basis. Think of these meals as gifts that you are giving each other: The purpose of gift-giving is to help strengthen relationships (củng cố/đào sâu mối quan hệ) rather than a strictly financial exchange (trao đổi/giao dịch tài chính). If you are worried about potential strain (căng thẳng (về tài chính...)) on your parents, you can offer to pay some of their other bills or give them a yearly cash gift, but I would separate the issue of their finances from the weekly tradition that you have established.

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