"Be left hanging in the air" nghĩa là gì?

Thấy bóng dáng ai đang đợi ai. Photo by  Chris Thompson

"Be left hanging in the air" = Để treo lơ lửng trên không -> Câu hỏi/vấn đề không được trả lời hay giải quyết.

Ví dụ
Mr Coley told councillors that he had no information about how the back of his home would be left 'hanging in the air'.

These accusations (những cáo buộc) can't just be left hanging in the air and we think the only way to get to the bottom of this is through the commission (phận sự, ủy nhiệm) which Justice Lex Mpati is chairing (đang làm chủ tọa) and for Surve to go along and declare his innocence (tuyên bố, khẳng định sự vô tội).

German politicians (chính trị gia) have assured (cam đoan, đảm bảo) him of their support. “After all she and her family have suffered, her departure from Pakistan can no longer be left hanging in the air just because we cannot agree on which country is prepared to let her in. The federal government (chính phủ liên bang) must now act.

Bin Kuan

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