"Deserve a bouquet of orchids" nghĩa là gì?

Vì bạn xứng đáng. Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels 

"Deserve a bouquet of orchids" = xứng đáng một bó hoa lan -> đáng được tuyên dương. 

Ví dụ 
For passing the exam, you deserve a bouquet of orchids! 

I think that you deserve a large bouquet of orchids for having engineered (thiết kế, tạo ra) this process. 

The Fourth of July has come and gone, and John Stale, our steward (quản lý bếp), and his cookhouse crew deserve bouquet of orchids for the wonderful dinner that was served us on the holiday. 

These voluntary correspondents (phóng viên tự nguyện) deserve bouquets of orchids, at least, for their excellent work in helping everyone keep tab on everyone else across the system; and in assisting (giúp sức) to make this publication (xuất bản) representative of the whole of TCA. 

Thu Phương

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