"Drink under the table" nghĩa là gì?

Uống ít thôi các bạn!! Photo by: Giovanna Gomes on Unsplash

"Drink someone under the table" = uống cho ai gục tại bàn -> nghĩa là uống nhiều rượu (giỏi) hơn người khác.

Ví dụ
In Afterparty, Night School Studio offers up a version of Hell that is part torture (tra tấn) chamber, part dive bar, and a Satan who will let you return to the land of the living — if you can drink him under the table.

It was really awkward (khó xử) when I was seated with my ex last year, so to break the tension (không khí căng thẳng) I decided to drink him under the table. And no, that isn’t a double entendre, you filthy pervert (bệnh hoạn).

Placebo frontman Brian Molko has revealed that his past days of debauchery (trụy lạc, đổ đốn) with Marilyn Manson saw them ‘very badly behaved’, and that he could ‘drink him under the table’.

Ngọc Lân

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