"For the devil of it" nghĩa là gì?

Tự dưng ngồi một mình ở đây lồm chi harrr? Photo by Nicole Geri

"For the devil of it" = Cách diễn đạt về sự quái lạ, không rõ mục đích hay nguyên do nào cả hoặc chỉ sự làm sao lãng. Quái thiệt...!

Ví dụ
Oh, by the way, just for the devil of it I hastily (vội vàng, hấp tấp) made up a little verse (đoạn, câu). It goes like this...

The Bohemia mom explained that she was looking for work-from-home income (thu nhập từ công việc làm ở nhà) options after she had her son Griffin, and for the devil of it responded to a parenting website’s call for writers.

And now, one of the funniest parts of Looking for Alaska episode 3: the sports. The Colonel leads the crowd in increasingly more disruptive chants (hát, cầu kinh gián đoạn), throwing in some cartwheels (bánh xe bò, người nhảy lộn) for the heck of it, and it’s only made funnier when you realize that the Eagle is 100% in on it.

Bin Kuan

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