"Get the devil" nghĩa là gì?

Cái giá của việc làm "Idol". Photo by Cassidy Kelley

"Get the devil" = Bị la mắng, chửi bới hay sự tức tối bới ai.

Ví dụ
Keep your temper, and if you get the devil vex (làm chọc tức, giận), you win. That was the challenge laid out to Ti-Jean, played by Ateion Jones, and his brothers Gros-Jean, played by Roland Yearwood, and Mi-Jean, played by Guyanese award-winning actor Nickose Layne, who made his TT theatre debut in this play.

“Get your nose out of that book – go out and get some fresh air instead!” I used to get the evil from my aunt when I was a youngster. I wasn’t supposed to read in bed at night after 8.30, so I contrived (sắp xếp trước, trù tính) more deceitful (dối trá, lừa gạt) ways of doing so: by reading under the bedclothes (đồ ngủ) by the light of a torch (ngọn đuốc, đèn xì), or by squinting at (liếc nhìn) books via a dim (lờ mờ) landing light.

Her fans have since praised her for going all Liam Neeson on the mean-spirited netizens (cộng đồng mạng xấu tính, ác tâm). “These people are too evil. They need the law to teach them a lesson. Supporting you Annie,” wrote one netizen. “There will always be people who hide in a corner to stalk (lén lút theo dõi) another person’s life, and then she gets the evil from them because they are jealous, while living their own pathetic (đáng khinh, lâm ly, thảm bại) lives,” said another.

Bin Kuan

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