"God sends meat and the devil sends cooks" nghĩa là gì?

BBQ đê! Photo by mnm.all

"God sends meat and the devil sends cooks" = Chúa ban thịt và quỷ dữ thì gửi đến đầu bếp (cấp dưỡng, anh nuôi) -> Chúa thì cho những điều tốt đẹp và hữu ích trong khi ma quỷ thì mang lại điều xấu, tồi tệ và vô ích. Việc tại sao từ "Cooks" mang ý nghĩa tiêu cực ở đây thì chưa được giải nghĩa rõ ràng, có thể nó phản ảnh sự ngu ngốc của loài người đã phá đi, làm hư hỏng hết mọi điều tốt đẹp Chúa ban tặng.

Ví dụ
In Denmark, there are more than twice as many pigs as people. The word ‘carnival’ (ngày hội) originally meant ‘a farewell (tạm biệt, bữa liên hoan chia tay) to meat’ referring to the Christian tradition of giving up meat during Lent. “Heaven sends us good meat but the Devil sends cooks,” (David Garrick, actor, 1717-79).

The writer praised its “woodland flavor” and said the meat “seemed to melt into a delicious memory as one ate.” W. L. “Old Tige” Cabell, a former Confederate general and Ben Cabell’s father, was in attendance (có mặt, tham dự) and agreed with the assessment (sự thẩm định, đánh giá) saying, “My boy, you know there is an old proverb that God sends meat and the devil sends cooks at a barbecue. God sends both sir.”

Some things don’t change though. Grandad John (who’s favourite phrases were “God sends the meat, the devil sends the cook” and “meat without fat is like love without kisses”) had a hand in the shop’s success when it came to Norwich’s Battle of the Bangers – his original sausage recipe (công thức làm xúc xích, lạp xưởng) helping the business take the prize for the eighth time last year (the final outing for the event).

Bin Kuan

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