"God's in his heaven; all's right with the world" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Andrew Seaman

"God's in his heaven; all's right with the world" = Chúa thì ở trong vương quốc thiên đàng của mình, thì thế gian toàn những điều tốt đẹp -> Thể hiện niềm hạnh phúc hoặc sự mãn nguyện.

Ví dụ
But was this correct? Was God in his heaven and was all right with the world? Browning was also a Hebrew scholar (học giả) with a passion (đam mê, khao khát) for justice (công lý). Like many other Victorian poets he travelled to Italy and stayed for a time in the northern town of Lucca, where he founded the English Church.

If democracy (nền dân chủ) was all about elections (cuộc bầu cử), then, in the words of Victorian poet Robert Browning, “God’s in his Heaven / All’s right with the world!” Yet, despite the extraordinary (phi thường) logistical exercise of mindboggling (dị thường, không thể tin được) attention, not all seems right in 2019.

She meant only to cheer him up in his final moments but it seems a risky (liều lĩnh, rủi ro) way to do it. The danger was that the news would work on him like a defibrillator (máy khử rung tim) and he'd leap (nhảy bật lên) from his deathbed (giường người chết), punch the air and bellow (rống, gầm vang) God's in his heaven, all's right with the world. Soon after, of course, he'd turn on the telly and discover the truth, and the disappointment would probably kill him, but not before he'd hung around long enough to sue (đi kiện, khẩn khoản) his wife for cruel (hung ác, dữ tợn) and unusual kindness.

Bin Kuan

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